Friday Night Relaxer

It’s Friday night, who wants to think about bloody economics or politics (errr best ignore the post just below this one)?

Tonight is a night to kick back, and if you’;re anywhere on the south-eastern seaboard listen to the rain beating down (hope the flooding is not too bad).

One thing I love about YouTube is the mash-ups people do of movies – where they take a movie and mix it with the music or dialogue of another movie. Usually the lame ones just take any film and put on the Brokeback Mountain theme and suggest the movie is about a homosexual affair. But an excellent one came out a couple days ago – one which take Toy Story and mixes it with the John Wayne westernTrue Grit (for Toy Grit naturally) (Screendoor Slams has alerted me that the mash up is actually the Coen Bros soon to be released version of True Grit, not the John Wayne one. That would explain why you can’t hear the Duke’s voice!).


With the news coverage of the Chilean miners my thoughts turned to the great Billy Wilder film Ace in the Hole. Last night on Twitter, film critic Thomas Calwell noted how for those who have not seen it, they will be shocked at how cynical the film is for one made in 1951 (it’s easy to forget cynicism did not start with your own generation). The film is perhaps the most biting and black take on journalism ever put to celluloid. It is a must see for anyone in the media, and anyone who consumes what the media produces.

Here, the NY Times film critics AO Scott reviews the film and shows a few excerpts:

Enjoy your weekend.

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