Stewart yet again shows how it is done.

A quick (and yeah lazy) post tonight.

I haven’t written too much about the Tucson massacre, but as ever when it comes to American politics, Jon Stewart pretty well says all you wished you had thought to say first.

The past week he has had three bits on his show that I think highlight why he is so respected (and why he is also so damn funny).

The first is the first episode after the shooting. He delivers a great line: “It would be really nice, if the ramblings of crazy people didn't in any way resemble how we actually talk to each other on TV. Let’s at least make troubled individuals easier to spot”.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Arizona Shootings Reaction
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Last night he reviewed some of the political fallout, and how the shootings have changed the argument, but not for the better – especially on the issue of health care. The message he has to the Democrats about being suckered into the debate on the Republican’s terms is one the ALP here can do well to keep in mind. (He also has a good line about Ricky Gervais hosting the Golden Globes, and for those who don’t follow the NFL, the New York Jets beat the New England Patriots last weekend in the playoffs – Stewart is from New York.)

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Tonal Recall
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> The Daily Show on Facebook

And then tonight he turns to Sarah Palin. Stewart has been as loud as anyone in not suggesting Palin had anything to do with the shooting, but don’t for a moment think he’s going to start going easy on her. Fortunately for Stewart and his ability to be able to have enough material to work with each night, Palin always delivers:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Petty Woman
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> The Daily Show on Facebook

We probably don’t have the material in Australia that Stewart has to warrant our own Daily Show – for a start we don’t have Fox, MSNBC or CNN (not enough people watch Sky News to get the jokes) – but surely we could have at least a weekly (Friday night?) show in Australia that takes what is said in the media and by politicians and uses it for good.

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