On the QT: Best Performance in a Shouty Role

I must apologise, but today I am not feeling the best and so there won’t be a post tonight (err other than this).

Today there was lots of shouting from Abbott when he moved a censure motion against Gillard for lying. Yeah the irony detector has well and truly been broken in Canberra. The censure motion was preceded by Gillard pretty easily slapping back any attacks from the Libs. You would have to be the most craven conservative supporter to suggest she looks at all rattled. In fact, she looks to be loving it.

Joe Hockey in his censure motion speech complained about the price of smokes, which was a bit odd, but no where near so odd as Abbott comparing Gillard to Ben Chifley because Chifley introduced petrol rationing. (and that was after more Lady Macbeth analogies).

During QT, Julie Bishop gave Gillard a death stare that was so obvious it begged to be laughed at (seriously Julie, you did it on The Chaser: it is now a joke). The PM pierced Bishop by saying: “I suggest Australians rush to their kitchens and check their spoons aren't bent after that performance". Bishop is the MP who takes least kindly to being mocked, and given her big weapon seems to be this stare, it truly deserves laughter. 

The whole of QT was all a bit by the numbers. Gillard is in her element and won’t be troubled one little bit by anything any of the Libs ask her. Abbott’s censure motion speech seemed to be addressed to about 72 people. Hardly anyone outside of parliament would have understood or cared about most of his references. And those who did listen to it and heard him use Alan Jones “Ju-liar” term must now realise that the guy is merely a mouthpiece for the right wing elements of the media. Has Abbot ever advocated any policy that first hasn’t been advocated by Alan Jones, Andrew Bolt or Piers Ackerman? Perhaps his paid maternity leave scheme? Any others?

When you get to the point where the leader of the opposition is reduced to calling the PM “Ju-liar” you have to concede that a point has been reached where he is no longer worthy of taking at all seriously. A shocking performance. Grade 2 level. My seven year old daughter has a more mature wit.

At least it wasn’t as bad as the Oscars.

My God what a horrible show – and I fast forwarded most of it (heck virtually all of it). My picks? Well I got 15 out of 24, which is decidedly poor. But it could be worse; I could be Anne Hathaway’s agent, who has to convincingly tell her she was a fantastic host.

Colin Firth proved once again that the Brits give much better acceptance speeches than Americans. The only exception to this rule is when the winning American is George Clooney.

And that’s it for me tonight. Hope to back on deck with my usual post tomorrow.

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