Time to go and eat worms?

A quick post tonight (family stuff got in the way of my usual night’s schedule, and also I want to relax and watch Paper Giants!)
Today’s Nielsen Polls has the ALP behind 44-56 (have been told if they did half percentages it would’ve been 44.5 – 55.5).
On tonight’s 7:30 Report Chris Uhlmann pointed out the Government has a few fights on its hands. He’s right. But his list was a little light. Here are the fights the ALP has

  • Those who are against the Carbon Tax:
    • The miners
    • The manufacturers
    • The AWU and AMWU
    • Woolies and Coles and etc
    • Right-wing think tanks who for some reason don’t think the market is the best way to fix something
    • Those who think climate change can be solved by someone else
    • Those who think climate change is best solved by paying polluters to be nice
    • Those who are old and listen to Ray Hadley and know they’ll be long dead before their grand kids have to live with the effects,.
    • Those who say – hey I’ve got fluoro lights, what more do you want?
  • Those who are against the mining tax:
    • The miners
    • Anyone who has anything to do with the miners
    • Right-wing think tanks who will say the world will come to an end if the mining tax will come into being
  • Those who are against the pokies restrictions:
    • The clubs
    • Woolies (because they own a shirt load of clubs)
    • Australians (well it’d be un-Asutralin not to)
  • Those who are against the tobacco packaging laws:
    • Tobacco companies
    • Woolies and Coles (haven’t really seen this yet, but who do you think sells the most cigarettes?)
    • Right-wing think tanks who will say that the Govt mandating packaging is acquiring IP even though the Govt already mandates packaging. 
  • Those who think the Govt is about to hurt everyone on welfare:
    • People on welfare
    • People not on welfare but who think a Labor Govt should actually show some bloody compassion.
    • People who don’t really give a damn about people on welfare but who just want the Govt to act like what they think a Labor Govt should act like, so they can hate them for being that.
  • Those who think the Govt is stuffing up the asylum seeker issue:
    • The Liberal Party
    • The Greens
    • Anyone who supports neither of the above but thinks the ALP should show some bloody compassion
    • The few One Nation supporters people bussed in to protest the ALP actually showing some bloody compassion by placing asylum seekers in decent facilities in the Adelaide hills.
  • Those who think the Govt should not worry about getting back into surplus:
    • Those who think deficits are fine because the economy is slowing
    • Those who think the deficit is because the Govt wasted the surplus to begin with
    • Those who think inflation is a thing that the RBA can take care of
    • Those who don’t care at all about any of this but when they hear the word budget they swear and hate whoever is in power.
  • Those who think the Govt has a problem with middle-class welfare:
    • Those who want middle-class welfare slashed to pay for everything they want
    • Those who are in the middle-class and think cut my payments and you will be dead to me
    • Those who are in the middle-class and think middle-class welfare is bad, but just don’t touch child care rebate, which happens to be the only bit of middle class welfare being talked about.
  • Those who still think the BER was a waste:
    • People who aren’t real good at maths.
    • People who say, “But if the surplus worked why is the US is at 10 per cent unemployment?”.
  • Those who are against the NBN:
    • People who think the country is a thing where you have your hobby farm
    • People who think the laws of physics have a left wing bias
    • People who think the Telstra will do it (despite it having shown zero desire in the past)
  • Those who think the Govt has a problem with the gay marriage issue:
    • People who are gay
    • People who are not gay but think an ALP Govt should show some bloody compassion.
  • Those who actually can’t think of any specific policy they don’t like they just don’t like the vibe":
    • Those who think Julia Gillard should cry
    • Those who think Julia Gillard should not cry
    • Those who think Julia Gillard fakes it when she cries
    • Those who think she needs to do something about her wardrobe
    • Those who think she needs to do something about the voice
    • Those who think she lacks gravitas
    • Those who think she is wooden except when in parliament
    • Those who think she should not be so attacking in parliament
    • Those who think “JuLIAR” qualifies as intelligent debate
    • Those who think she is a communist
    • Those who think she is more right wing than John Howard
    • Those who liked her once but don’t now
    • Those who never liked her and still don’t
    • Those who think politics is stupid and since everyone else seems to be not like her or Tony Abbott they might as well do the same.
So all in all, fun times ahead.
Happy Days.

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