Election 2010: Scary Adverts

A couple adverts have come out recently – one from the AWU, the other from the Liberal Party.

The AWU one is a cheaply done parody of The Addams Family (now The Abbott Family). It’s obviously a YouTube only ad because the Photoshop work is pretty bad and also they didn’t bother to do a grammar check and thus “their sneaky” got through instead of “they’re sneaky”.

Other than that it’s a pretty good online ad because the tune is catchy (wonder if the publishers are interested in their copyright…) and because Joe Hockey as Pugsley is just spot on (but really how amateur was it that they didn’t spot the error?) :

The next ad is the latest by the Liberal Party. It is a pure attack advert – having a go to Julia, Garrett and Swan for all sorts of bullshit – it’s the type of advert that no company would be able to do because it wouldn’t pass the truth in advertising test.

But while negative adverts are pretty standard nowadays, the tone of this one strikes me as being absolutely horrible. I have no idea who they think is going to be won over by this hate filled advert. They’ve got a women to do the narration to try and make it less violent, but I don’t know if picking the worst photo they can find of Gillard is going to win anyone over – especially women. The morphing is truly creepy and the ending just leaves me not wanting to see the thing ever again.

Obviously I’m biased, but I’d like to know what others think of this ad. Obviously we can watch The Gruen Transfer tomorrow night to find out what the experts think, but for me, this ain’t a winner.

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