Yes, the Libs have a jingle

Taken from the file of “things I thought I’d never seen again” comes a jingle for the Liberal Party. Talk about moving backwards. Please keep your laughter to a minim (oh bugger it, laugh away, I did).

To take you back to a time when jingles were more common, here’s some adverts from the 1990 campaign:

Here’s the Whinging Wendy advert from 1987 (with a snippet of the ALP’s jingle at the end). It’s a great advert for a couple reason – one, Laurie Oakes gets a mention, proving that some things never change in Australian politics; and secondly for the line “you mate Sir Joh said…”. Calling Joh Howard’s mate might be rather a big stretch, especially given the damage Joh did in 1987, the ALP gun must have had a lot of fun writing that line, it’d be like an advert this year saying “And Mister Abbott, your mate Malcolm Turnbull said…”:

Here was a bit more of the 1987 ALP jingle:

And we end with the best jingle of all time:

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