Twiddling thumbs time

I’ve hit a bit of a dead spot in the blog – things are happening in my personal life that have got me thinking about things other than politics (nothing too serious, but geez selling a house is not exactly stress-free).

And also this time is actually a bit of a political dead-spot. Sure Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott are already on an election footing, and we are all just waiting for the date to be called – August 28 or September 5 looking like being the date – but really look at the news – it’s pretty dull on the politics front. And so we twiddle our thumbs, make sure the coffee pot is ready for the long days of the election (where every night will only end with Lateline), try to cope with the fact that Eden-Monaro will not be a bellwether seat (and most likely neither will be Lindsay) and wait… and wait….

Before she calls it, Julia will come out with some dopey “climate change” policy. It’ll probably be all motherhoody and do bugger all to reduce carbon emissions. If they wanted to do something that was focussed on people doing something “direct” to reduce our dependence on carbon they could bring in a national gross feed in tariff. NSW and the ACT have gross feed-in tariff and it makes switching to solar panels actually worthwhile. It should be national, and it has to be if we really want to get serious about the issue. Make it so Julia (I know, I know, it won’t happen… sigh).

And so to fill this political dead patch instead of doing a 7:30 Report and writing about Bob and Blanche, I’ll go to the archives of The Daily Show from May and Lewis Black doing the most hilarious slaughtering of Glenn Beck’s tendency to invoke the Nazis whenever he wants to criticise Obama.


The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Back in Black - Glenn Beck's Nazi Tourette's
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

And because this election is the first Federal election in which people born in the 1990s will be able to vote, here’s a clip from the early 1990s, of The Late Show’s brilliant “interview” of John Hewson:

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